A Guide to Student Grants and Scholarships Colleges and universities can be expensive... sometimes getting accepted into the school of your choice can be the easy part of the educational journey of the new student. It isn't always easy to find ... Financial Aid for Students - The Role of the Federal Student Aid Office The Federal Student Aid Office makes sure that eligible students get to benefit from financial assistance to complete an education beyond high school. The Office plays a vital role in the entire financial aid process and has an active role in ensuring that students have access to all the information they need when requesting federal assistance to attend college. Improving Higher Education Quality Program in Vietnam The United States Agency for International Development Headquarters in Bangkok has recently established the Improving Higher Education Quality Program in Vietnam. The Role of Private Enterprise in Putting Man into Space Has NASA, the monolithic space agency, failed in it's quest to put man out into the cosmos? Will profit coupled with man's need to explore be the driving engine which sends man into the cosmos? Think...
Textbooks for Change, a London-based social enterprise that has obtained the B Corporation seal for positive social and environmental impact, is seeking investors that would be helping the company expand.